****This post will remain on top until Feb. 15th****
***scroll down for newer posts***
Welcome. Glad you grabbed a ticket for the Magic Carpet ride...
I am thrilled to be once again be a part of this international blogger event that is the brain child of Lisa over at
A Whimsical Bohemian. The idea was to bring bloggers together, meet new friends, learn something new and maybe even win something!
Last year, I discovered so many interesting blogs that I likely would have never found otherwise.
Up for grabs is this Nature inspired canvas board.
The flower image was created by painting directly onto a Gerbera Daisy then pressing it like a stamp to watercolor paper. The stick was gathered from my own backyard. I love using natural elements especially with my canvas pieces.
On Feb. 15, I will use a random number generator to choose the winner of the canvas board.
But wait...
Since this is my second year participating in the One World, One Heart event I wanted to do things a little bit differently...
For every 50 comments to THIS POST, another prize will magically be added. These additional prizes will be given to the runners up using the random number generator as well.
Hooray! 50 comments have been posted...know what that means! Another prize...
The Complete Works of Shakespeare book purse. It features a red interior with black and white sides. It would make quite a conversation piece at your next party.
You guys rock! We're at 99 comments... Since I have a busy day ahead I'm posting the 3rd prize a bit prematurely.
These are 3 of my "postage people" postcards.
150 comments posted...another prize has appeared.
Since my book purse has been so popular...
I'm giving away this pants purse!
I made this purse from a pair of children's Tommy Hilfiger pants and a woven belt.
You did it! 200 comments. Another giveaway...
Bottlecap magnets made by yours truly.
So how do I enter you ask...
- Simply leave a comment on THIS POST to be included in the giveaway.
Please leave your email in the comment. You may want to post it as: blahblah at yaddayadda dot com This way it's more difficult for robot programs to pull emails for spam. If no email is provided either through your blogger profile or in the comment I'll have to move on to the next winner.
Any comment left after Feb. 14 11:59PM CST will not be counted.
Be sure to check out the
hundreds of other participant blogs. I bet you'll find some really interesting blogs and maybe win something too!