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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bread not bricks!!

I did it!

I made bread. Not my usual bricks!!

After nearly 16 years, I decided to get out my Kitchen Aid mixer recipe book for guidance. Before someone asks...  Yes, I use my mixer all the time but never reference the manual.

I still had to improvise a bit since the recipe called for powdered milk and I only had DariFree.  Not sure if the proportions would be the same or not but it seemed to work.

We'll have to see what the rest of the family thinks of it later...

1 comment:

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Looks like that little owl gets to be your good luck baking charm. That bread looks wonderful. I can almost smell the goodness and taste a slice of warm bread. OK, I'm hungry, so I'm off to find something a lot less tasty. I can even say congrats on one very big accomplishment (at least it would be at my house).

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