~~~I've moved to www.halleshobbies.com ~~~
I'm an artist and SAHM from the upper mid-west. In addition to my passion for paper art and mixed-media; I enjoy sewing, painting, photography, jewelry making and gardening. I love finding ways to reuse, re-purpose and recycle everyday items into art or other basic utilitarian objects.
I'm working at getting back to the basics: healthy food, reduced chemical load in our home, exercise and spending time with family.
Hello Friday! This week we have Judy. She sports a "deer-in-the-headlights" look. Loves candlelight, walks in the moonlight, the theater...sensing a theme here?
TOO funny. Yep, I sense there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
You and Elizabeth are too funny!
Wonder how Judy likes being in the limelight ;)
your description is a hoot! just the laugh I needed on a dreary winter day...and oh the memories of picture day at school (yuck)!
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