My BFF from high school, Sandy, shared a few of her dearly departed Grandmother's bread recipes with me last week.
Yesterday, I tried the Honey Oatmeal bread.... As you can see, it didn't turn out quite as planned. It's still tasty, just short and dense.
Today I had much better results! I used her bun recipe only I made it with half wheat and half white flours instead of all white flour. I can't wait to sample one!!

Oooo, I think they both look good! Especially those rolls...*drool*
Love, love, love your buns! (hehe that sounds funny to write) I hope they tasted as good as they look. What a wonderful tribute to my Grandma to share her awesome cooking with you. In the life of my Grandma, if anyone ever came to her house she would put together a feast fit for a king with her homemade goodies. I love that we are getting back to the basics, your family got "buns with love". (again, sounds funny)
Thanks for sharing Halle!
I bought whole wheat flour several weeks ago with visions of me baking wonderful homemade bread .... With my family gathering around exclaiming how I should never buy bread again .... Have I done it? No!!! What is wrong with me!?! ;)
Looks positively delicious BTW!
Great looking buns :) I cannot for the life of me, make brown bread like my Grandmother!
these rolls look absolutely yummy! a lucky family will be enjoying them later...
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