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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Traveling Tea Tuesday

Due to my crazy busy schedule lately and all the rain we had last week, I never got further than my front yard with the traveling tea cup.

I had plans for our adventures...little chip and all.

I had hoped to get to the Arboretum and the docks where the lake cruisers are moored but alas it was not to be.

Since we finally had sun for a couple of days I got the deck staining finished!
See the nice brown railing in the below picture....
What a job!  2.5 gallons of stain...ugh my aching back!

I did get a couple of little things done to include in our traveling  tea cup package.

A crochet dishcloth for handwashing those delicate tea sets and a magnet with a reminder....

Stop by Kimmies today and see what's happening with Tea Tuesday.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I take it the tea cup is going to travel, even though it has that chip in it. Guess that will make it special in the end. I like your dishcloth as part of the "grand" prize. And the magnet says it all!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I forgot to mention that I am totally impressed with your deck. Sounds like a HUGE job.

Unknown said...

Haha! I love how you keep it "real". Life does not usually give us train tickets and steamer trunks... more likely a deck, a can of stain and a paint brush. heehee. And that's why we have teacups to live vicariously through! Bon voyage, Chip. :)

Jill said...

Ah, the tales the teacup will tell if only in our imaginations! I agree with Nathalie, life gives us decks and stains. :)

ooglebloops said...

Aaah, can't wait til the teacup reaches me!!! Love the flower pic in your other post. Drop by for tea, if you get a chance......

~*~Patty S said...

what a brilliant pedestal for the TTea Cup...guess we're lucky that our TTea cup made it across the ocean and back without incident

I feel your back...now you get to rest and enjoy that pretty deck!

Happy T to ya Halle!

Judy said...

Your crochet cloth is a wonderful addition. It's been so long since I made any. You may have inspired me to pull out some cotton yarn and make a few new ones. They last forever! I can't make out what the magnet says...it will be a surprise when I get to see it.

I still hate the cup got chipped along the way. :( But stuff happens, doesn't it?

Happy tday.


Anonymous said...

Oooo a sneak peek of what's in the box! how exciting. Sorry you didn't have better weather to take the cup out in but that is spring for you. A chipped cup! I love imperfection.
Happy T on T

Nancy said...

Great pic of the cup and I'm happy to hear she's on her way :)

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