So I've had great success with growth of our plants....but we've also had some pest issues. Such as DEER!!!
Whitetail deer are beautiful creatures and can be quite yummy when prepared properly. :)
All that aside...they are eating my plants!!! My
hostas are down to nubs in the front and the buggers ate over a dozen green tomatoes right off the plants.

The garden is right outside the 2 steps from the backdoor...with a motion sensor light. Seriously...they are not scared!
The herbs and lettuce are above their reach with the rock landscaping below...thank goodness. The flat leaf parley is going crazy!!
Check out my spider plant appendage. It's different from anything I've ever seen a spider plant send out before. The only thing I can figure is that I've never had one outside before.

The plants I'm going to over-winter in the house are going to be in for a bit of a shock!
I was thinking today that I'm going to have to make quite a bit of room. I have 2 miniature roses, a hydrangea, 3 pots of herbs, a gerbera daisy and the crazy spider plant to bring in. That would be in addition to the other 7 plants that already reside in our house.