On the 10th day of Christmas I opened 10 Lords a Leaping by Penny A. This was very unique since it opens to reveal,
the Ten Commandments. Penny aged the paper which gave it a really nice look.
The 11th day had me opening the fun fabric bag with my name sewn at the top. Very cute...I'm hanging on to that goodie!
Inside the fabric bag was this great 11 Pipers Piping by Jackie. Love the tartan. For some weird reason I couldn't get the green cardstock to appear true to color...frustrating.
And finally, on the 12th day of Christmas we have Twelve Drummers Drumming by Rita. What a cute little guy to round out our pages.
I now will need to create covers and bind my book. But first I'll need to thank one more person.
Another art friend sent me a surprise on Thursday. Isn't this tree so darling! Kat did a beautiful job with this tree!
Here's a view of the other side. I love it. Thank you Kat!!
Have you stuck with me throughout my rambling? I'd be impressed if you have.
Merry -belated- Christmas.

It looks like you've received lots of fun Christmas treats!
I hope you continue to enjoy your guests.
Wow, I was with Kathy when she bought that kit. She did an AWESOME job of making it. Congrats to you, and YES, I stuck with you. In a way, it was much easier than paging through several posts.
I hope your holiday was fun. Talk about letting things get away. Had my blog not been scheduled, I would never have made it. Country living means no real internet, so I had no access to it. Hope you are having fun with your guest.
fun post Halle...you have had so many surprises to open which is right in keeping with the holiday season
I enjoyed seeing the pics and that tree is sweet!
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